[7][Darth ]It will be difficult to learn it because muscle cannot go to strengthen a person wolf if required why lacks physical strength
[7][Darth ]The continuation that particularly important I forge muscular strength pro-slow muscle as for the chinning mainly, but it is unexpectedly hard this a serious matter
[7][Darth ]Yes I do.>8
[9][シンディー]穏やかじゃない byアイカツ
[逆襲のキュアキッス Cure's Counterattack]日常じゃないかね
[8][えけけ@未来]person wolf ってなに?>7
[7][Darth ]werewolfという意味
[7][Darth ]good evening
[7][Darth ]you're welcome
[7][Darth ]フォースと共にあれ
[7][Darth ]Our Galactic Empire is immortal permanently
[7][Darth ]weblio機能使っている
[7][Darth ]英語使うの楽しい
[7][Darth ]The future dream is to become darth Vader.